Changing Entertainment

Today at this evening me and my two very close friends were talking on phone...since we all are already quarantined due to covid19 pandemic..
The best thing about us is we don't talk gibberish and that's the reason I talk with them either.
The best thing about friends is they talk-turkey whether you like it or not.
Since it's well known fact that , talking with friends is not talking until you have some serious arguments with premonition that one will go for invective and for sure some of them get irked too.
Anyway it's having own glee.
While talking with them we discussed over Changing Entertainment scenario
Before starting this I want to seek into the past.
Here I want you to recall about our late veteran bollywood actor Kadar Khan.
In his last days he had pang and regrets about changing scenario of film industry.
You would be thinking why am I bringing him into this.
If you remember then Kadar Khan became well known personal because he had forte in acting
Also he was the first actor who used layman's language.
And since our India is on 140th rank in world happy country.
So our layman use to be tensed,angry and our youths used to have contrite about their failed love.
So it's obvious that they will use swear and invective because of frustration in their lives.
When he used the same language audience made him apple of their eyes.
But at his last age he was saying to desist the swear words to bollywood.
Because he never realised that time The thing which he is triggering will go in wrong track.

Current scenario..

Today the way swear words vengeful words used in cinema with nudity has gone very far.
Now it became ubiquitous the small platforms like Tik-Tok and you tube isn't also untouched with it.
Today everywhere you will go you will see plenty of stuffs like that.
The situation has become so worse that 
Today it is said that "if you have to become famous over platforms like you tube then you have to come with spicy containts which must contain abusive languages vengeful words or some badass dialogues or there should be some nudity."
And the people who are using these all became successful.
And today in cinema if there is no nudity or some so called adult scenes then director use to have premonition of movie going to be flop.

Why these all are bad for society..
In this world everything comes with their own pro and cons. Some use to have pro points awhile some use to have more cons points.
"Here I want to clarify something that I'm neither against it nor supporting it. I'm just smitten with this 
The real problem-- 
Mirroring the society is boon and so far they are doing very nice...
But real issue comes when you start patronising it when you start putting it like vestal and you push layman too for aegis under the name of dinkum cinema.
The current scenario is same...
They show nudity,soft porn,almost in every movie and yes the non-veg dialogues,abuses, vengeance is ubiquitous.

So the real problem is in the way they are representing it.

Let's take a dip in it..

They say abuses are part of society.
   A society is not called as society until  there are some abuses in it.
Well the statements like these effects the society.
If a growing child let's say that child is in teen age. Where they have wendy personality and more prone to go into negative direction.
If he or she will watch that They will indeed think it's true.
I should also use them all the time.


The way they shown-

In anger abusing,when happy then again abusive,with friends who stays formal..?
When sad then again blaming and abusing..

So I wan to ask them in almost every aspects of life because what a person could be happy,sad, hopeful,angry, vengeful and there could be many more so if in almost every part  they areshowing abusing is intravenous.
Then obviously it will effect us.

How it effects us -

If I say in very simple and easy way then it effects our psychology.
Guessing how?

Okay let me depict a vedioclip which I saw somedays ago.
It was about job in Call centre.
There was a man who came to office with tensed head and was feeling low and then he receives a call from a costumer who was irritating.
Then at first that man tries to ignore the costumer but when costumer started talking illogical then he burst.
And started abusing that costumer then abused his colleagues and then to boss..
And after that he quits the job with a swag.

Well that's where it affects our psychology since we learn maximum things from what we see and since they already used to say we are dinkum and we represents face of society.
So whatever we used to see we think  that's reality.
So when we will face the same situation ever in life then we won't choose how to remain calm even in most tensed situation.
But we will choose an escapement.
That end these all with swag of abuses.

Why it's hard to bring changes.

I will say something to it. Probably it with make you all understand very easily.
 “ Blaming others takes time and energy from improving yourself.”
Same we all are doing and those who are in cinema.
Viewers and cinema are complementary to each other.

So those who are in cinema
they says - 
Our viewers like these all that's why we bring these all. If they will stop watching these all we will stop making such things.

And we viewers say..

They represents that's why we see..
Stop showing we will also stop.

 So I will say in blaming also cinema and viewers and complementary to each other.

That's why from now.
At this point it seems impossible to bring changes because when both side are busy in blaming each other then obviously we can't seek any changes.


The only solution to this problem and that's probably became cliché 
But it works always.

        Just having courage to stand against  negativity and wrong things is the best humanity in itself.

And I always say and wish either.

A moral education to child.
That's very important and it's it's the onus of parents.
They should make time to teach their child a moral education.
I mean it.
And I dont 

Something about swear words

When you say anything with your feelings or in emotions (any kind)
It let you relase your tension.
It increasess the level of endorphins.

But we must learn how and where to use these all things.
And sometimes swear words represents you also
Let me show some examples
The other one is some motivation in form of negative words

End line

If something is bad or wrong or filled with negativity then as a responsible person we all are ought to stand for it.
That's all we should do.
So we no matter what, this trail of vengeance,abusive words,will keep going on.
Because somehow its called as a way to let our stress go.. another way of expressing ourselves.
So we should keep it confined among our pals.
We shouldn't let it come in new incarnation that is in formal way.
If it's called as informal let it be informal.
And we must teach our upcoming generation that it's bad.
Thank you.


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