
We have heard so many people talking about taking risk in life.
They say take risk atleast once in life...
Now let's see some points which shows that why talking risk is very important in life...
Life is like a nurdle use it wisely otherwise it will slip away.

Yes that's the reality you have got one life. I think that really become clichè because we do have heard it many times.
Yes that's true life is fragile to handle it with care you must take care of it.
How can you take care of it?
Answer is easy by making your life stronger.Life only get stronger when you take risk!

You are not born to live in comfort zone.
Let me ask you a question to you all
You says I am  scared to take risk just because you think I can lose.
And I  have never taken any kind of risk in life,so how can I take it?

Alright let me ask something more and let me tell you something you know one secret you have already taken risk and I'm pretty sure it's the biggest risk you ever taken.
Do u know what is it?

The answer is that you are in this world alive!
Not big deal?
You took risk to win the race among sperms to rich to ovary first.
You were born without any special quality neither you were able to walk nor able to talk.
But u learned to walk and talk also.
Isn't itself a big deal ?
Okay let me explain when you started walking actually you're bones were too weak to balance your whole body for walking.
At that time you didn't get scared of falling and you even didn't get scared of getting bones broken.
But you won that challenge.
Then why are you scared of taking risk in life?

We don't know our strength and power also value in world so we don't take risk.
Okay I think we all have heard a story of that baby Eagle.
Who grown up with chicken so when chicken and eaglet grown up.
Both chicken and eaglet never flied high.
Because a hen can't fly high..
But let me ask is it same with case of Eagle?
How pity about that eaglet?
Same way with you.
First we don't know the strength of our own we are living in other imagination.
Second thing which will always be beneficial if you are getting reluctant about taking risk...
That's -
My nation is from me and  Im from nation.
I have to do something best and great that everyone will feel proud of me!

It's easy to take risk in two conditions only.
First when everyone believes on you other when no one believes on you.
It could be sounding bizzare to us. But that's true.
When you feel like everyone is having expectations with me then you will be under-pressure and you will try to achieve something best.
Next case when you are considered as a meanie in society.
That is the time when no one is having eyes on you and you can do what you want freely.
But that needs a strong brain and positive brain.
Because when you are either on rock bottom or depressed,that is the time when we start to think more negative.
But you must have to overcome it just by thinking this happened to me just because life wanted to make a stronger version of me.

So if I sum up I can say that
You have got a single life,if you have got burning desire in your resolute heart.
Then keep trying don't settle down for anything.
Take risk and see your dream come true.
Lemme ask a question
Are you born to see a dream only like you are dreaming your dream home you're dreaming your dream car etc?
So are you?
So if not then you must have to get your ass up and start from what is important.
And keep taking risk don't scared of it just remember that you are winner because you born like a boss cause you have won race among millions to come on earth..and everything  at beginning seems hard.

At last I will say..
"You don't lose by taking risk in life but you lose when you sit back and don't take it"


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