
Showing posts from September, 2019


We have heard so many people talking about taking risk in life. They say take risk atleast once in life... Now let's see some points which shows that why talking risk is very important in life... Life is like a nurdle use it wisely otherwise it will slip away. Yes that's the reality you have got one life. I think that really become clichè because we do have heard it many times. Yes that's true life is fragile to handle it with care you must take care of it. How can you take care of it? Answer is easy by making your life stronger.Life only get stronger when you take risk! You are not born to live in comfort zone. Let me ask you a question to you all You says I am  scared to take risk just because you think I can lose. And I  have never taken any kind of risk in life,so how can I take it? Alright let me ask something more and let me tell you something you know one secret you have already taken risk and I'm pretty sure it's the biggest risk yo