
Showing posts from January, 2023

Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes

Beyond Good and Evil.. Chapter 4  Apophthegms and Interludes  Without any hesitation or any suspects, Nietzsche was one of the  great Existential Philosopher of the late 19th century  While reading one of the most influential books by Nietzsche  Beyond Good and Evil, one will come across many deep quotes and paragraphs. The thing which I really love in Nietzsche's way of writing is his very concise way of writing. He himself has said this- " I can write in a sentence  what it takes other people a book to write . . " The level of confidence Nietzsche had is reflected in his writings ... Here are some quotes from him in chapter 4 of Beyond Good and Evil  Read Nietzsche...and feel his words.   1) In praise there is more obtrusiveness than in blame.   2) One loves ultimately one’s desires, not the thing desired.                    (Isn't it true? 😉 😉 otherwise there would have been no debate on "Why is it hard to find a true love partner?"  cause we love our d