
Showing posts from April, 2020

Motivation Affirmation works how?

How Motivation and Affirmation works for you?  " There is saying..- God helps those who help themselves!" Now here we will first try to understand the word motivation.. Actually why am I trying to tell because we been using this motivation in a different way.   The word motivation came from Latin word Movere Which mean to move.  So this must came in your mind to move but where? How to move? What it mean from the meaning of word motivation? So to move here means to move in your life in such a way that you can feel most fulfilled in your life, to move in such a way that you can have satisfaction.       To have motivation means you are having a motive in your head all the time even before going to sleep and even after getting up from bed. Now I can say we all are making mistakes in understanding this motivation term. Let's see how.. We are seeking motivation from others.. Many people among us just wake up thinking uhh..!again it's goi